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Thursday, November 6, 2014

the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—  FDR

I stand alone without belief - the only Truth I know is You.

I stand alone without belief or faith - the only truth I know, the only God I can touch and see is the God within each and every one of you.  This is my curse, but God has turned it to His own work.

A crisis of housing, a crisis of debt, A crisis of Faith.  Those who are building mansions by taking advantage of youth and experience shall truly suffer the wrath of the almighty.  None of us - not churchgoer or sinner, not businessman or homeless person; NONE OF US CAN MOCK GOD'S HOLY WRIT WITH IMPUNITY.

I have great pity for those who are doing these terrible things.  If any of you here are guilty of rent-gouging, profit maximizing or greedy sins; pray now for forgiveness.

Corporations are of course to blame.  Giant hospital corporations, university corporations, public and private corporations.  They see only the one God - the God of profit and greed for filthy money.

All money is of, by and for the service of God!  Do you think by accumulating wealth through the misery and sacrifice of your fellow man you become RICH??  I pity you - and the lives you lead every damned day.

31 of the highest paid public employees in 31 states... are college coaches.  We're turning schools of learning into debtor's prisons JUST TO OPERATE A TAX-SUBSIDIZED SEMI-PRO FOOTBALL PROGRAM??  Are you kidding me?  Do you think God is deaf and blind??

Background on Why a normal man and agnostic would Build this Blog

Well, I'm an engineer - and after you see what I've seen, you'd believe too. I'm not out to prove anything, but the message has got to be told.

My best friend is a prophet (that was hard to soak up - believe me, as I have trouble believing in sunshine without a scope and a meter - I'm a retired engineer); and he left yesterday after saying this;

"You see Colonel John, it never was just Jesus or Buddha, everybody gets the same message every so often."

(long pause for a sip of water - the man drinks water ALL the time)

"Jesus Christ wasn't the point, it was his people, his little community of brothers and sisters walking life in a certain way. Jesus, Muhammad, hell - Gandhi, me of course - we're just folks born with a knowing heart."

"Only difference twixt you and me John is I remember tomorrow - that's what a Prophet does."

"You're doing good though - for a white man yer a good indian cuz a dog couldn't hear the way I crept up and you STILL met me at the door".

Anyway - that's just a slice of my story here. My family is thick with weirdos and teachers, half-brothers in jail and Catholic Saints. I'm used to the occasional visit from the Twilight Zone - heck, you should have met my Mom.... she could heal anything.

The day mom, Bernice Hubertz (Fort Wayne) died (June 11th) two clocks fell off the wall and one started working - the one her grandpa humped up the Canal road in 1860.

My Aunt on her side (great great Aunt I think) is the 1st American Saint - the nun from Indiana.

All people have that heart - which is why we are suddenly becoming so aware of our problems and those precious moments of sanity in this busy place.

"Answers are all around you; but do not look to your own life for the questions. Find your perfect stranger - or any child.

And stand in awe at the glory of life."

(all those quoted bits are straight from my friend Redeagle Jones - the Swamp Prophet and my personal vote for Messiah if there is such a thing).

Patriotism for Advanced Souls - Saving the World through individual choice. Now is the time - and my X-files prophet friend (oh yeah, he's scary ALL the time) Redeagle Jones just left. "Colonel John, the President needs you to write a little something and get him some help." (scary music) Well - here it is.


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Every home a church, every table an altar. All are called to serve the truth and thus change the world.